Health and nutrition
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What vitamins should I buy for a child, nutriceuticals for children ?

Today, pharmacies offer a wide range of vitamin and mineral complexes for children, but it is not advisable to buy them.

First of all, it is always better to choose monocomponent drugs: their digestibility is much higher and the dosage is sufficient. Secondly, the quality of our popular children’s multi-complex is not satisfactory at all.

For example, in the composition of the well-known multivitamin chewing gum, the amount of E additives is simply off the charts, and this is a colossal load on the children’s liver.

‼️ Therefore, complexes such as Complivit Asset for Children, Multi-Tabs Junior, Vitabears, etc. They are uncomfortable to give to children, although very convenient. But if you really want your child to have a healthy life, here is a functional collection for children from 4 to 12 years old:

▫️Ascertain – 10 tablets during the day
▫️Rosehip fruit – 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner.
▫️Spirulina VEL – 1 tab. 30 minutes. before every meal.
▫️vigantol – consult instructions
▫️Lucerne: insist for at least an hour, drink in the morning.
▫️ Nettle leaves – 30 minutes before lunch.
▫️ ‘Donate MG’ mineral water is an excellent source of magnesium, children drink it with pleasure.

1:Escorutin and Rosehip Fruit

These pharmacy medications are sources of vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Vitamin C is a group of compounds with many isomers, where ascorbic acid is one of many. Rosehip contains most of the isomers of vitamin C.

2: Spirulina, Effessern and Nettle Leaves

These are excellent sources of amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Unlike rosehip legumes, alfalfa and nettle can be prepared in a kettle. The minimum extraction time is 30 minutes, optimally – 2-3 hours.

3: Vigantol

“Vigantol” is an oily solution of vitamin D3. Unlike Aquadetrima, an aqueous solution of vitamin D3, Vigantol is much less likely to cause allergic reactions.

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